- Miniconda installation
- Conda environment management
Visualization: matplotlib, cartopy, Plotly, cmocean, GeoPandas
Forecast and reanalysis data specific: MetPy, Siphon, wrf-python, GeoCAT
Radar QC and Visualization: CSU Radar Tools, PyArt, LROSE (not python)
Soundings/Hodographs: SHARPpy
More python related resources, see Dr. Kim Wood's website
Linux and Fortran
WRF -- limited area atmospheric model
CESM -- Community coupled climate model
MAPS -- Global model for atomsphere, land, ocean, and sea ice on unstructured grid
CMAQ -- Air quality model
CM1 -- A large eddy simulation (LES) model
PALM -- Another turbulence-resolving LES model
- Real Earth Satellite product from SSEC
- Worldview Satellite product from NASA
- Tower flux data across the Americas
- Integrated flux and ecosystem data across the US