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University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Atmospheric
and Oceanic Sciences Graduate Student Association By-Laws
Meeting Duties of the Facilitator
- The Facilitator is responsible for enforcing the rules contained in this document, and
form keeping the meeting running in an orderly and productive manner.
- The Facilitator shall begin the meeting by calling the meeting to order. No motions
may be introduced and no binding business may be conducted before the meeting is
called to order.
- The Facilitator shall ensure that any GSA member who wishes to speak or introduce a
motion while the floor is open has the opportunity to do so.
The Facilitator shall not introduce, or second, or vote on motions or express an opinion
in discussion, except to ensure that the meeting adheres to the posted agenda.
- If the Facilitator will be absent for a meeting, the Facilitator must appoint a temporary
chair to facilitate the meeting, who shall perform the duties and abide by the constraints
listed in this section.
For a decision made at a GSA meeting to be binding, it must be introduced as a motion,
seconded, and approved by a majority of the GSA members present at the meeting. The
majority shall be a simple majority (more than half the GSA members present at the
meeting) unless otherwise specified in the motion, constitution, or by-laws.
Any GSA member present at the meeting, excluding the Facilitator, may introduce a
motion. Only GSA members present at the meeting may introduce a motion.
In order to be successfully introduced, a motion must be seconded by another GSA member present at the meeting, excluding the Facilitator.
- When a motion is approved, it takes effect immediately unless otherwise specified.
When a motion is introduced and seconded, discussion on the floor ceases and the motion is voted on according to the GSA voting procedures. The Facilitator is encouraged to ensure all constructive discussion is finished before a motion is introduced.
Motions crucial to advancing the GSA objectives and advancing productive general meetings include, but are not limited, to the following:
- Motion to introduce a new bylaw. This motion must be accompanied by the exact
text of the proposed bylaw. If the motion is approved, the new bylaw takes effect
immediately unless otherwise specified.
- Motion to amend an existing bylaw. This motion must be accompanied by the
exact text of the proposed amendment. If the motion is approved, the amendment
takes effect immediately unless otherwise specified.
- Motion to amend the GSA constitution. This motion must be accompanied by the
exact text of the proposed amendment. Amendments to the constitution must be
ratified as described in the GSA constitution before they are binding.
- Motion to create a committee.
- Motion to close the meeting to nonmembers. If this motion is approved, any people
present at the meeting who are not GSA members or AMS officers will be asked to
- Motion to adjourn the meeting. If this motion passes, the meeting is immediately
over and no further binding business may be conducted until the next meeting.
Voting Procedures
- Only GSA members present at the meeting may vote on motions.
- The Facilitator is responsible for tallying votes in a fair and transparent manner.
The Facilitator shall have discretion to determine the method of voting. However, if
any member of the GSA present at the meeting requests that a vote be conducted by
secret ballot, the Facilitator must comply with the request. Suggested voting methods
- Aye/Nay voice vote
- Show of hands
- Writing votes on slips of paper. If anonymous, this qualifies as a secret ballot.
- If a GSA member present at the meeting feels that a vote was not conducted or counted
fairly, he/she may request that the vote be repeated using a different method.