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University of Wisconsin-Madison



The members in this committee plan and attend outreach events around the university as well as with other schools and organizations. New opportunities arise each year, and members are encouraged to seek out different avenues of outreach.

Chair: Kayleen Torres Maldonado

AOS DEI committee representatives

GSA advocates for the inclusivity and equity for students to succeed in, the study of atmospheric and oceanic sciences for students in groups that are underrepresented in STEM.

Chair: Rosa Vargas Martes, Taydra Low


The Welcome Committee is in charge of updating and creating literature for prospective and new graduate students. In addition, the committee meets with visiting prospective students and provides them with contact information.

Chair: Hamish Prince

Department Seminar

Members of the Department Seminar Committee are in charge of filling the department seminar time slot. This includes finding graduate students to present their work, researchers from other areas of the building to present their work, and other types of presentations that foster academic education.

Chair: Kari Ledesma-Maldonado


A committee formed for the purpose of planning events ouside the department for grad students as well as some involving faculty. There is an overall goal to get more foreign students involved in the GSA.

Nikaan Koupaei Abyazani

Faculty Liaisons

The faculty liaisons attend the open portion of the faculty meetings and report any pertitent information to the GSA.

Chair: Poush Ghosh, Evan Meeker


Members of the Colloquium Committee are in charge of finding speakers for our Monday afternoon department colloquiums. Speakers from within our department as well as visitors from other institutions are invited. Also, students finishing their PhD work also present during department colloquium. This committee also helps to plan the Robock Lecture that takes place during the spring semester.

Stephanie Henderson (Faculty)

Solstice Planning

This committee plans the skit that the graduate students put on at the Solstice (or Equinox) Party, which takes place in the spring semester. If any graduate student involvement is needed in planning the party itself, this committee does that as well.

Will form in Spring 2023

Graduation Ceremony

Formerly known as the Hooding Ceremony Committee, this group is in charge of helping to plan and organize the annual spring AOS Graduation Ceremony for graduating undergraduates and graduate students. Masters and PhD students will be hooded at this ceremony as well.

Will form in Spring 2023