Computer Model Forecast Maps
NCEP NAM model - data provided by NOAA/NWS and NSF Unidata
On grid 211 - 00 UTC / 12 UTC
On grid 212 - 00 UTC / 06 UTC / 12 UTC / 18 UTC
On grid 104 - 00 UTC / 06 UTC / 12 UTC / 18 UTC
NCEP GFS model - data provided by NOAA/NWS and NSF Unidata
6 hourly forecasts out to 5 days
On grid 211 - 00 UTC / 12 UTC
3 hourly forecasts out to 8 days
On grid 104 - 00 UTC / 06 UTC / 12 UTC / 18 UTC
On Northern Hemisphere projection - 00 UTC / 06 UTC / 12 UTC / 18 UTC
12 hourly forecasts out to 16 days
On grid 104 - 00 UTC / 06 UTC / 12 UTC / 18 UTC
On Northern Hemisphere projection - 00 UTC / 06 UTC / 12 UTC / 18 UTC
NCEP GFS vs ECMWF model comparisons - data provided by NOAA/NWS, NSF Unidata and ECMWF
00/12 UTC runs - 3-hourly forecasts out to day 6, 6-hourly to day 10
06/18 UTC runs - 3-hourly forecasts out to 90h
00 UTC runs are usually updated by 08 UTC, 12 UTC runs are usually updated by 20 UTC
Over North America - 00 UTC / 06 UTC / 12 UTC / 18 UTC
On Northern Hemisphere projection - 00 UTC / 06 UTC / 12 UTC / 18 UTC
Tripoli UW-NMS model output
Tripoli Global energetics plots (JAPE plots) from GFS model output
Global energetics plots
Definitions of variables on JAPE plots (PDF)
VIS5D output from NCEP and UW-NMS models
VIS5D files
Variable names for vis5d files from NCEP models
Variable names for vis5d files from the UW-NMS model
Off-site web pages with model results
(not maintained by AOS, will open in a new browser window)
NCEP Ensemble forecast products
Canadian Models
Navy NOGAPS model