From Roots to Reach: One Scientist's Quest to Understand Soils, Confront Climate Change, and Open Doors in STEM

Dr. Asmeret Asefaw Berhe

Professor of Soil Biogeochemstry & Falasco Chair in Earth Sciences
Department of Life and Environmental Sciences
University of California, Merced

Tuesday, March 18, 2025
7:00PM central time

DeLuca Forum,
Discovery Building
330 N. Orchard St, Madison WI

Registration appreciated but not required:

Reception to follow

Watch the live stream (and later archived) video at

About The Leonard Robock Annual Lecture

This lecture series is supported by a generous gift made from the estate of Leonard Robock with the mandate that the Department bring in an expert to give a public lecture on an issue related to the public interest (e.g., climate change, tornadoes, hurricanes, hydrothermal vents). The lecture is to be advertised broadly and to be presented at a level accessible to the public as well as students and educators. It is to be aimed at educating attendees on the state of our knowledge on the issue at hand.

Sponsors and Useful Links:

UW Madison Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences:

Speaker's Research Group Website: