August 2021 Highlight- Welcome Back
August 28, 2021A year has passed since I wrote last year’s ‘back to school’ highlight. In that year, much has changed and perhaps just as much has stayed the same. Once again, we are going into a school year that has masks, though more buildings will be open on campus than this time last year. Vaccinations have allowed more social spaces to open, and things in and around campus are livelier than they have been in months.
This year should look more ‘normal’, but to say such is perhaps minimizing the difficult year and a half our society has endured. Many of us have lost loved ones and friends, saw experiences and events fall by the wayside, and routines had to be changed and adapted as the world changed around us. The stress of existing throughout such a widespread event cannot be understated, and I hope everyone has been able to endure it.
I hope to see you all around campus this semester and year. With any luck, I’ll be back in my office on the 8th floor to do some work from the building instead of my room. See you around, and good luck with this upcoming year.
-Megan Caldwell