Global Change: Humans in the Earth System
Prof. Matthew H. Hitchman
* Global Change Images
* SF6
* NOAA-NASA Global Analysis 2017
* The Solar Cycle
* Continental Drift and Atmospheric Composition
* NOAA Tropical Cyclone Trends
* Flowers Colors Bees Humans
* CO2 Mauna Loa
* Blue Planet
* The General Circulation, Part 2
* The Role of the Ocean
* The Paleoclimate Record
* How People got to North America
* Glacial / Interglacial Cycles
* Millennial Cycles
* New Yorker article on Paleoclimate
* Volcanoes, the QBO, and Climate
* Common Questions about Ozone
* Tropospheric Pollution I
* Tropospheric Pollution II
* Biomes and Tropical Deforestation
Slides from .pptx on The Carbon Cycle
* Global carbon project website
* Human use of world biological productivity (Diamond 1987)
* Notes on limits to human habitation
* Seeds in Need: The Vavilov Institute
* Biomes
* Cold Virus Transmission
* Article on Climate Engineering
* Genetic Modification of Crops
* Nuclear Weapons
* Energy Outlook for the Future
* News: Climate Issues, GMOs, Plastics in Ocean