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University of Wisconsin–Madison

Vis5d variable list for NCEP model Vis5d files

NAME Quanitity (units)
U East/West Wind Speed (m/s)
V North/South Wind Speed (m/s)
W Vertical Wind Speed (m/s)
SPEED 3-d wind speed (m/s)
PRES Pressure (hPa)
MSLP Mean Sea Level Pressure (hPa)
T Temperature (K)
THETA Potential Temperature (K)
THETA E Equivalent Potential Temperature (K)
QV Water Vapor Mixing Ratio (g/kg)
QZ Vertical comp of Absolute vorticity (*.1 /sec)
PZ Potential Vorticity (PVU)
PZM Moist Potential Vorticity (PVU)
PCPT Total Precipitation (mm)
U-GEO U Component of Geostrophic Wind (m/s)
V-GEO V Component of Geostrophic Wind (m/s)
U-AGEO U Component of Ageostrophic Wind (m/s)
V-AGEO V Component of Ageostrophic Wind (m/s)
QV CNV Q Vector Convergence
QVXP X component of Q vector (for -wind2 QVXP QVYP)
QVYP Y component of Q vector (for -wind2 QVXP QVYP)
FRNT2D 2-d total frontogenesis (deg/m/s)
FRNT2DH 2-d frontogenesis by horizontal wind (deg/m/s)
FRNT2DV 2-d frontogenesis by vertical wind (deg/m/s)