Weather Obs & Forecasts
Thanks to NOAA/NWS and NSF Unidata for providing the observation data and forecast text products, and the radar, satellite and forecast model data used to create the vast majority of images and loops on this site
Conditions on the Roof
At ??
Temperature: ??°F (??°C)
Dew Point: ??°F (??°C)
Wind: ?? at ?? MPH (?? KT)
Solar Flux: ??W/m2
Pressure: ?? hPa
Altimeter: ?? inHg
Precip since 00Z: ?? mm (?? in)
Rooftop Meteorogram
Rooftop Quick Looks
At ??
Temperature: ??°F (??°C)
Dew Point: ??°F (??°C)
Wind: ?? at ?? MPH (?? KT)
Solar Flux: ??W/m2
Pressure: ?? hPa
Altimeter: ?? inHg
Precip since 00Z: ?? mm (?? in)
Rooftop Meteorogram
Rooftop Quick Looks