Online Weather
Spring 2000 |
Online Weather
Fall 1999 |
Spring 2000 |
(4 Sep - 8 Sep) |
Supplemental |
CoD**: Time Zones & Z time Supplemental Time Keeping Schemes |
Supplemental |
CoD: : Air Masses Supplemental Air Masses, Source Regions, etc. |
(11 Sep - 15 Sep) |
Supplemental |
CoD: Time Zones & Z time Supplemental Time Keeping Schemes |
Supplemental |
CoD: Air Masses Supplemental Air Masses, Source Regions, etc. |
(18 Sep - 22 Sep) |
Supplemental Sfc. Wx Obs - Text |
CoD: Sfc Wx Maps Supplemental Sfc Station Models |
Supplemental Upper Air Obs - Text |
CoD: Atmosphere in Vertical Supplemental Thermodynamic Diagrams |
(25 Sep - 29 Sep) |
Supplemental Weather Records: A Statistician's Delight |
CoD: Wx Satellite Image Interpret. Supplemental Wx Satellite Imagery |
Supplemental Fall Coloration |
CoD: Sun paths & length of daylight Supplemental Sunrise/sunset times |
(2 Oct - 6 Oct) |
Supplemental Indian Summer, 1st Frost and Growing Season |
CoD: Warm & Cold Air Advection Supplemental Estimating Warm or Cold Air Advection |
Supplemental Monitoring DDU How We Compare |
CoD: Calendars & Seasons Supplemental Meteorological Seasons |
(9 Oct - 13 Oct) |
Supplemental Columbus & New World Weather |
CoD: Air Pressure Changes Supplemental Interpret. Pressure Tendencies |
Supplemental Monitoring Drought |
CoD: Pressure Altimeters Supplemental Altimeters & Altimeter Errors |
(16 Oct - 20 Oct) |
Supplemental |
CoD: Saturation Supplemental Mass Budgets & Hydrologic Cycle |
Supplemental |
CoD: The Hot Santa Ana winds Supplemental The adiabats on a Stüve Diagram |
(23 Oct - 27 Oct) |
Supplemental |
CoD: Clouds Supplemental Cloud Identification Aids |
Supplemental Partly Cloudy or Partly Sunny? |
CoD: Doppler Radar Supplemental Interpreting Radar Summary Charts |
(30 Oct - 3 Nov) |
Supplemental Standard Time |
CoD: What's the wx going to be? Supplemental Wind Observations |
Supplemental The Ekman Spiral |
CoD: Upper Air Charts Supplemental The Suite of Upper Air Charts |
(6 Nov - 10 Nov) |
Supplemental Storms of November *Shift to Fri? Alternate Supplemental Weather & Elections |
CoD: Atmospheric Scales Supplemental Specifics of characteristic space & time scales |
Supplemental Monitoring El Niño & La Niña |
CoD: Upper Air & Jet Streams Supplemental Jet Streaks |
(13 Nov - 17 Nov) |
Supplemental Hazards of Anticyclones |
CoD: Winter Storms Supplemental Winter Storm Terminology |
Supplemental Tracking Weather Systems |
CoD: Forecasting the Wx Supplemental Numerical Weather Forecasts |
(27 Nov - 1 Dec) |
Supplemental Public Watches & Warnings for Winds **Shift to Wed or Fri? |
CoD: Public Watches/Warnings Supplemental Severe Local Storm Terminology |
Supplemental End of a Season **Shift to Fri? |
CoD: Flash floods: A Convective Hazard Supplemental Flood Statement Terminology - Flash Flood Factors |
Supplemental Tornado Statistics **Shift to Mon or Wed? |
(4 Dec - 8 Dec) |
Supplemental Hurricane Season |
CoD: Coastal Flooding / Marine Wx Supplemental Specific Tropical & Marine Statement Terminology |
Supplemental Dreaming of a White Christmas |
CoD: Wx on the Internet Supplemental Building the Daily Wx Summary |
Special Thanksgiving Break Week Files(20
Nov - 24 Nov 2000)
Last revision: 31 August 2000
URL Address: /~hopkins/dstreme/index.html