END OF TWO SEASONS -- Today is the last
day of November and it marks the end of meteorological autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, the standard three-month interval (September, October and November) used by meteorologists for describing seasonal events.
Today also is the official end of the hurricane seasons in the North Atlantic as well as the eastern and central North Pacific Ocean basins.
From the files of the Aviation Weather Center, Kansas
City, MO and Intellicast
- ...1875...A severe early season cold wave set November
records in the Northeastern U.S. The temperature dipped to 5 degrees
above zero at New York City, 2 below at Boston, MA, and 13 below at
Eastport, ME. (David Ludlum)
- ...1957...Lee slope winds enhanced by Hurricane Nina gusted
to 82 mph at Honolulu, HI, a record wind gust for that location.
Wainiha, on the island of Kauai, was deluged with 20.42 inches of rain,
and 35-foot waves pounded some Kauai beaches, even though the eye of
the hurricane was never within 120 miles of the islands. (30th-1st)
(The Weather Channel)
- ...1962...Fog played an integral role in the crash of an Eastern Airlines jet in New York City (JFK) that killed half of the people onboard (25 of 51). (National Weather Service files)
- ...1964...A cold wave brought temperatures to 17 degrees
below at Minneapolis, MN and 3 degrees below zero at Springfield, IL.
- ...1967...A record November snowstorm struck the
Washington, DC area. It produced up to a foot of snow in a 12-hour
period. (David Ludlum)
- ...1976...MacLeod Harbor, AK reported a precipitation total
for November of 70.99 inches, which established a state record for any
month of the year. (The National Weather Summary)
- ...1987...Showers produced heavy rain in the northeastern
U.S. Up to three inches of rain drenched the Brandywine Creek Basin of
Pennsylvania, and rainfall totals in Vermont ranged up to two inches at
Dorsett. Snow fell heavily across Upper Michigan as gale force winds
prevailed over Lake Superior. A storm moving into the northwestern U.S.
produced gale force winds along the northern and central Pacific coast.
(The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1988...Snow in the Upper Great Lakes Region pushed the
precipitation total for the month at Marquette, MI past their previous
November record of 7.67 inches. Santa Ana winds in southern California
gusted to 75 mph at Laguna Peak. (The National Weather Summary) (Storm
- ...1989...Squalls produced heavy snow in the Lower Great
Lakes Region, with 15 inches reported at Chaffee, NY and at Barnes
Corners, NY. Tropical Storm Karen drenched parts of Cuba with heavy
rain. Punta Del Este reported fourteen inches of rain in 24 hours. (The
National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1991...Minneapolis, MN ended the month with 46.9 inches
of snow, the most ever for November and for any month. Although the
official start of winter was still 3 weeks away, the city had already
surpassed the normal seasonal snowfall record with 55.1 inches since 1
October (normal for the entire winter is 49.2 inches). (Intellicast)
- ...2001...For the first time in 122 years of weather records, Buffalo, NY finished the entire month of November without any snowfall. (National Weather Service files)
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Prepared by Edward J. Hopkins, Ph.D., email hopkins@aos.wisc.edu
© Copyright, 2018, The American Meteorological Society.