From the files of the Aviation Weather Center, Kansas
City, MO and Intellicast
- ...1701...Anders Celsius, the astronomer who invented the Celsius thermometer scale, was born in Uppsala, Sweden. (National Weather Service files)
- ...1883...Fire engines were called out in New York City and
New Haven, CT as a result of the afterglow of the sunset due to vivid
red ash from the Krakatau Volcano explosion in August. (The Weather
- ...1892...An Atlantic coastal storm produced a record 18.6 inches of snow at Norfolk, VA in 24 hours. The storm also brought snow to northern Florida for the first time in 35 years. (National Weather Service files)
- ...1898...The "Portland" storm raged across New
England producing gale force winds along the coast and heavy snow
inland. A foot of snow blanketed Boston, MA, and 27 inches fell at New
London, CT. Winds at Boston gusted to 72 mph, and wind gusts to 98 mph
were estimated at Block Island, RI. A passenger ship, the S.S. Portland,
sank off Cape Cod with the loss of all 191 persons aboard, and Boston
Harbor was filled with wrecked ships. The storm wrecked 56 vessels
resulting in a total of 456 casualties. (26th- 28th) (David Ludlum) (The Weather Channel)
- ...1912...Snow fell across northern Florida, marking one of the few times it has ever snowed there in November. (National Weather Service files)
- ...1938...The second heavy snow in three days dropped up to 14 inches in New York and 12 inches in New Jersey. (Intellicast)
- ...1950...A
moderately severe freeze occurred in Florida with Tallahassee reaching
20 degrees, a record for November. (Intellicast)
- ...1987...Wet
weather prevailed across much of the nation east of the Rockies. Sunny
and cool weather prevailed in the western U.S. Snow fell in the central
U.S., with totals in Kansas ranging up to six inches at Burr Oak. Much
of the area from central Oklahoma to southwestern Minnesota experienced
its first snow of the winter season. (The National Weather Summary)
- ...1988...Snow
and high winds created blizzard conditions in Minnesota. Winds gusted
to 63 mph at Windom, and snowfall totals ranged up to 14 inches at
Aitkin. Snowdrifts seven feet high closed many roads. Fargo, ND
reported a wind chill reading of 34 degrees below zero. (The National
Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1989...A storm system
crossing the north central U.S. spread snow across the Dakotas and
Minnesota. Heavy snow fell in western South Dakota, with 18 inches
reported at Galena. Strong winds associated with the storm gusted to 50
mph in the Great Lakes Region and the Great Plains, with blowing dust
reported in Kansas. Thunderstorms associated with the same storm system
produced damaging winds in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana during the
evening, with gusts to 73 mph reported east of Ypsilanti, MI.
Unseasonably warm weather prevailed ahead of the cold front.
Twenty-three cities from the Gulf coast to the Ohio Valley and the Mid
Mississippi Valley reported record high temperatures for the date,
including Saint Louis, MO with a reading of 76 degrees. (The National
Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
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Prepared by Edward J. Hopkins, Ph.D., email hopkins@aos.wisc.edu
© Copyright, 2017, The American Meteorological Society.