Tuesday, 16 December 2014
This DataStreme Atmosphere Daily Summary contains Historical Weather Events for this date. Current weather data are available on the homepage as usual. If you are looking for an alternative description of daily weather, you could try: (The Weather Channel)
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In addition, new items will appear in this week's Weekly Weather and Climate News for other weather and climate information from this past week. DataStreme Atmosphere Daily Summaries and Investigation files will return with the Spring 2015 DataStreme Atmosphere course during Preview Week on Monday, 19 January 2015.
Happy Hanukkah! -- The eight-day Jewish festival of Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, will be begin at sundown tonight (16 December 2014) and continue through nightfall on Wednesday, 24 December.
From the files of the Aviation Weather Center, Kansas City, MO and Intellicast
- ...1835...New England experienced one of their coldest days of record. At noon on that bitterly cold Wednesday, the mercury stood at four degrees below zero at Boston, 15 degrees below at Norfolk, CT, and 17 degrees below at Hanover, NH. The temperature at Boston was 12 degrees below zero by sunset. Gale force winds accompanied the severe cold, and that night a great New York City fire destroyed much of the financial district. (David Ludlum)
- ...1890...A big snowstorm at Pittsburgh, PA dropped 23.9 inches in 24 hours, the greatest 24-hour snow for that city. (Intellicast)
- ...1917...An ice jam closed the Ohio River between Warsaw, KY and Rising Sun, IN. The thirty-foot high ice jam held for 58 days, and backed up the river a distance of 100 miles. (David Ludlum)
- ...1987...A Pacific storm battered the coast of California with rain and high winds, and dumped heavy snow on the mountains of California. Winds along the coast gusted to 70 mph at Point Arguello, and winds in the Tehachapi Mountains of southern California gusted to 100 mph at Wheeler Ridge. Snowfall totals ranged up to 24 inches at Mammoth Mountain. Snow fell for two minutes at Malibu Beach, and Disneyland was closed due to the weather for only the second time in twenty-four years. A winter storm, which began in the Southern Rockies four days earlier, finished its course producing snow and high winds in New England. Snowfall totals ranged up to 19 inches at Blanchard, ME. (The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1988...Fairbanks, AK reported freezing rain and record warm temperature readings. The afternoon high of 41 degrees was 43 degrees above normal. Snow and high winds continued to plague the mountains of southern California. Mount Wilson, CA reported two inches of rain in six hours during the early morning, and a storm total of more than 3.50 inches of rain. (The National Weather Summary)
- ...1989...Fifty-seven cities from the Southern and Central Plains to the Appalachians reported record low temperatures for the date, including North Platte, NE with a reading of 17 degrees below zero. Squalls in the Great Lakes Region produced 18 inches of snow at Syracuse, NY, and 30 inches at Carlisle, IN. Low pressure brought heavy snow to northern New England, with 18 inches reported at Derby, VT and Saint Johnsbury, VT. Thunderstorms with heavy snow were reported at Portland, ME. (The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
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Prepared by Edward J. Hopkins, Ph.D., email
© Copyright, 2014, The American Meteorological Society.