Friday, 9 January 2009
This DataStreme Atmosphere Daily Summary contains Historical Weather Events for this date. A sample DataStreme Daily Summary similar to those that appear when the DataStreme course is being offered is available via the homepage. Current weather data are available on the homepage as usual. If you are looking for an alternative description of daily weather, you could try: (USA Today)
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In addition, new items will appear in the Weekly Weather and Climate News. DataStreme Atmosphere Daily Summaries and Investigation files will return with the Spring 2009 DataStreme Atmosphere course during Preview Week on Monday, 19 January 2009.
"AN OLD" FULL MOON--The moon will reach the full phase tomorrow evening (officially at 0327Z on Sunday 11 January 2009, or locally, 10:27 PM EST, 9:27 PM CST, etc. on Saturday, 10 January). The January full moon is often called the "Old Moon". Since this full moon is the first following Christmas, it would also be called "Moon After Yule".
From the files of the Aviation Weather Center, Kansas City, MO and Intellicast
- ...1875...The temperature at Cheyenne, WY dipped to an all-time record low reading of 38 degrees below zero. (The Weather Channel)
- ...1880...The second great storm to hit the Pacific Coast within three days brought barometer readings of 28.48 inches of mercury (964.5 millibars) at Olympia, WA and 28.51 inches (965.5 millibars) at Portland, OR. Heavy snows blocked railroads for days. (Intellicast)
- ...1888...Severe cold gripped much of the western U.S. At Portland, OR, the Columbia River was frozen for two weeks, and in southern California temperatures dipped below freezing in some of the citrus growing areas. (David Ludlum)
- ...1976...Lake effect snow squalls buried the town of Adams, NY under 68 inches of snow. (David Ludlum)
- ...1977...The lowest temperature ever recorded in St. Cloud, MN was recorded on this day. At 8:00 AM CST, the temperature dropped to 43 degrees below zero! Between 3 January and 19 January of this year, the low temperature was 15 degrees below zero or lower on 14 out of 17 days (Intellicast).
- ...1987...A winter storm spread heavy snow from the Central Plains into the Great Lakes Region. Heavier totals included 9 inches at Sun City, KS, 7 inches at Columbia, MO, 11 inches at Terre Haute, IN, and up to 10 inches in the southern suburbs of Chicago, IL. (National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1988...A storm in the northeastern U.S. produced ten inches of snow at Boston, MA, and 14 inches at Worcester, MA. A winter storm in the northwestern U.S. produced a foot of snow in three hours at McCall, ID. (National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1989...Strong winds prevailed along the eastern slopes of the Rockies in Colorado. Winds gusted to 113 mph at the Air Force Academy near Colorado Springs, and reached 115 mph at Boulder. (National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1990...A third storm in four days hit the Pacific Northwest. Winds in Oregon gusted above 100 mph at Netarts and at Oceanside. Up to 8.16 inches of rain was reported around Seaside, OR, and the total of 4.53 inches of rain at Astoria, OR was a record for the date. Twelve cities in the western U.S. reported record high temperatures for the date. The high of 70 degrees at Cedar City, UT was a record for January. (National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1992...An unbelievable 14 consecutive days of cloudy skies finally ended at Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN. Every single weather observation during this time period showed overcast conditions -- 350 consecutive hours of cloudy skies! There was not even a "mostly cloudy" -- all observations were completely cloudy. During this cloudy period, it was very mild. The average temperature from 26 December to 8 January was 19 degrees above normal. (Intellicast)
- ...1993...A big snowstorm dumped 17.2 inches of snow on Topeka, KS in 24 hours. (Intellicast)
10 January
- ...1800...Savannah, GA received a foot and a half of snow, and ten inches blanketed Charleston, SC. It was the heaviest snowfall of record for the immediate Coastal Plain of the southeastern U.S. (David Ludlum)
- ...1836...A major winter storm, known as "the big snow", dumped 30 to 40 inches of the white stuff over northern Pennsylvania, interior New York, and western Pennsylvania. The storm also buried the coastal plain with 15 inches at Philadelphia, PA, 18 inches at New York City, and 24 inches across southern New Jersey. (Intellicast)
- ...1911...The temperature at Rapid City, SD plunged 47 degrees in just fifteen minutes. (The Weather Channel)
- ...1949...Snow was reported at San Diego, CA for the first and only time since 1882. Snow was noted even on some of the beaches in parts of the Los Angeles metropolitan area. Burbank reported 4.7 inches, and Long Beach and Laguna Beach received one inch of snow. (David Ludlum) (The Weather Channel)
- ...1975...The "Storm of the Century" hit Minnesota. A severe blizzard moved northward across the state producing up to two feet of snow (23.5 inches of snow fell at Duluth). High winds drove wind chill readings to 80 degrees below zero, and at Duluth, MN the barometric pressure dipped to 28.55 inches (966.8 millibars). The storm, which claimed 35 lives, occurred on the 102nd anniversary of the infamous "Pioneer Blizzard" in Minnesota. (David Ludlum)
- ...1981...A severe arctic blast covered the eastern two-thirds of the country. Records were set throughout the Midwest and the northern plains with the lowest temperature at 36 degrees below zero at Sault Ste Marie, MI. Wind chills went down to 50 degrees below zero with a wind chill of 98 below reported at Fargo, ND. (Intellicast)
- ...1982...A massive high pressure area (31.15 inches or 1054.9 millibars) over central Saskatchewan with a ridge south to Texas brought record cold weather to the nation's midsection. The lowest temperature in the nation was 37 degrees below zero at Bemidji, MN. All time lows were set at O'Hare and Midway airports in Chicago with 26 degrees below zero. High winds drove the wind chill reading to 77 degrees below zero at O'Hare. The temperature in Downtown Chicago reached 23 degrees below zero. New records were set with 23 degrees below zero at Moline, IL and Peoria, IL. Milwaukee's all time low was equaled with 25 degrees below zero and in Cincinnati, OH, the temperature was 9 below at game time for the Bengals-Chargers NFL playoff game. Forty-one stations reported new daily minimum temperatures. A week later a second arctic surge sent the temperature plunging back down to 25 degrees below zero in Chicago. (Intellicast) (Weather Channel) (National Weather Summary)
- ...1987...Bitter cold air invaded the Rocky Mountain Region, with subzero readings reported as far south as Gallop, NM. Pocatello, ID reported a record low reading of 14 degrees below zero. (National Weather Summary)
- ...1988...A storm in the northwestern U.S. produced wind gusts to 97 mph at Netarts, OR, and up to two feet of snow in the mountains of Oregon. (National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1989...The first documented January tornado of record in Utah struck the south part of Sandy. Asphalt shingles were driven one half inch into a fence. (The Weather Channel) Clear skies, light winds, and up to 24 inches of snow cover, allowed the temperature to plunge to 45 degrees below zero at Roseau, MN, and to -43 degrees at Warroad, MN. The afternoon high at Grand Forks, ND was 16 degrees below zero. (National Weather Summary)
- ...1990...Strong southerly winds ahead of a Pacific cold front helped temperatures in the central U.S. soar as much as 50 degrees during the day. A total of fifty cities in the central U.S. reported record high temperatures for the date, with afternoon highs in the 70s reported as far north as Nebraska and eastern Colorado. Highs of 53 degrees at Devils Lake, ND, 76 at Grand Island, NE, 73 at Lincoln, NE, and 73 at North Platte, NE, all established records for the month of January. (National Weather Summary)
- ...1993...The greatest single snowstorm ever at Salt Lake City, UT ended. The four-day storm dumped 23.3 inches of snow on the city breaking the previous record of 21.6 inches set from 12 to 15 March 1944. (Intellicast)
- ...1996...A clipper-type system produced more snow over the mid-Atlantic and Northeast. On the 9th, 3-6 inches of snow fell in the Washington, DC-Baltimore, MD area, still digging out from the blizzard just two days earlier. The clipper intensified over the waters just east of New England on the 10th and produced up to 9 inches of snow over northeastern Massachusetts and Cape Cod. The 5.4 inches at Boston raised its snow cover to 32 inches -- its greatest depth ever recorded. The 2.6 inches at Philadelphia brought its monthly snow total to 33.7 inches -- its snowiest month on record. This was the third snowstorm to affect the region in a week. (Intellicast)
11 January
- ...1898...Fort Smith, AR was hit by an F4 tornado. Fifty-five people were killed and 113 were injured. A Fort Smith street sign was carried for 22 miles. (Intellicast)
- ...1918...A tremendous blizzard completely immobilized the Midwest, stopping mail service for two weeks. The vast storm then moved through the Great Lakes Region and the Ohio Valley. Winds reached 60 mph at Toledo, OH, and the temperature plunged from 28 degrees above to 15 degrees below zero during passage of the cold front. (David Ludlum)
- ...1942...Rhode Island's record low temperature of 23 degrees below zero was set at Kingston. (Intellicast)
- ...1951...An F2 tornado struck Los Gatos and Sunnyvale, CA, causing $1.5 million in damage. Another F2 tornado moved through San Jose, CA with $50,000 in damage. (Intellicast)
- ...1972...Downslope winds hit the eastern slopes of the Rockies in northern Colorado and southeastern Wyoming. Boulder, CO reported wind gusts to 143 mph and twenty-five million dollars property damage. (David Ludlum)
- ...1980...Warm Chinook winds developed along the east slopes of the Rocky Mountains causing the temperature at Great Falls, MT to rise from 32 degrees below zero to 15 degrees above zero in just 7 minutes. (Intellicast)
- ...1982...A frigid high was centered over Oklahoma and Texas. The zero degree line was all the way to central Alabama and Georgia. Atlanta, GA recorded 5 degrees below zero and Birmingham, AL shivered at 2 degrees below zero. The freezing line was all the way into central Florida. Pensacola was 8 degrees and Orlando recorded 32 degrees. Thirty-four stations recorded new record lows. As the nation shivered in record cold, Buffalo, NY was buried under 28 inches of snow from snow squalls -- 25.3 inches in 24 hours set new 24-hour record. (Intellicast)
- ...1987...A storm in the northeastern U.S. buried the mountains of central Vermont with up to 26 inches of snow, and snowfall totals in Maine ranged up to 27 inches at Telos Lake. Winds gusted to 45 mph at Newark, NJ and Albany, NY. (National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1988...Snow and high winds in Utah resulted in a fifty-car pile-up along Interstate 15. Winds in Wyoming gusted to 115 mph at Rendezvous Peak. (National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1989...A cold front, which the previous day produced 21 inches of snow at Stampede Pass, WA and wind gusts to 75 mph at Mammoth Lakes, CA, spread snow across Colorado. Totals in Colorado ranged up to 17 inches at Steamboat Springs. (National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1990...Strong northwesterly winds associated with a deep low-pressure system crossing the Upper Great Lakes Region ushered cold air into the central U.S. Winds gusted to 72 mph at Fort Dodge, IA, and wind gusts reached 75 mph at Yankton, SD. Snow and high winds created blizzard conditions in northwestern Minnesota. Squalls produced heavy snow in parts of Upper Michigan and northern Lower Michigan, with 16 inches reported at Wakefield. (National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
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Prepared by Edward J. Hopkins, Ph.D., email
© Copyright, 2009, The American Meteorological Society.