[NOAA] NCDC / Climate-Radar Data Inventories / Locate Station / Search ------------------------------------------------------------------------ La Crosse Municipal Airport * About this Station La Crosse, WI, United States * Data Inventories Other Stations in La Crosse * Online Data List Stations in Division WI-04 * Station History List Stations in La Crosse County * State Climatologist Surrounding Stations (+/- 30' Lat/Lon) * Regional Climate Center Type* : LAWRS ----------------------------- Call Information at Other Sites Sign/ICS* : LSE / KLSE * National Weather Service - Central Region Headquarters WBAN* : 14920 - Regional Forecast Office COOP ID* : 474370 - Current Weather Conditions Climate Division* : WI-04 - West Central - Current Weather Forecast WMO ID* : 72643 * Current Radar * Current Satellite In Service* : 01 Jun 1933 to Present * Sunrise/Sunset Elevation*: 198.4m (650.8') above sea level Lat/Lon* : 43°52'N / 91°15'W County*: La Crosse * Disclaimer * List of NCDC Datasets * Please report any Data Errors found. * Note to webmasters: you can link directly to this page. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Image] Other Stations in La Crosse La Crosse La Crosse La Crosse 4 NNW La Crosse Exp Farm La Crosse River La Crosse State Univ La Crosse Wfo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Image] About this Station The city of La Crosse is situated on the east bank of the Mississippi River at the confluence of the Mississippi, Black, and La Crosse Rivers. The official records are taken at the La Crosse Municipal Airport which is 6 l/2 miles north of the main Post Office, on the north end of French Island. This island is about 6 miles long from north to south and 2 to 4 miles wide with the Mississippi River to the west and the old channel of the Black River to the east. A rather level sandy plain exists on each side of the river extending between the Wisconsin and Minnesota bluffs which rise 450 to 500 feet above the valley floor. The distance from bluff to bluff averages about 5 miles. The Mississippi River bends to the northwest and continues directly southward from the city. The prevailing winds in the area are from the northwest from January through April and southerly during the remainder of the year. The situation of the city and airport in a natural bowl between the hills results in somewhat colder temperatures at night due to the settling of cooler air. Valley fogs often persist to mid-forenoon. Steepsided hills with narrow valleys are characteristic of most of the surrounding area. The flow of the Mississippi River is regulated by dams built for the purpose of navigation, but the reservoirs have limited storage capacity. La Crosse is in the area of Pool No. 8 with a mean sea level elevation of 63l feet. When the river reaches an elevation of 639 feet, with open gate operation, there is considerable flooding of land near the river and some industrial sections of the city. The invigorating continental-type climate results in wide and frequent variations in temperature. General storms moving eastward or northeastward into our area bring warmer weather and supply most of our moisture. These are usually followed by cooler air from Canada. The winters are cold and humid. The summers are warm with moderate humidities, while periods of hot and humid weather occur occasionally, usually lasting from a few days to a week at a time. Sixty percent of the precipitation falls during the main growing season, extending from May through September. Most of the summer rainfall occurs during scattered thunderstorms. Some damage from heavy rains, high winds, and hail occurs each year, but tornadoes are infrequent and cover very small areas. Snow is frequent and is the predominant form of precipitation in winter. Heavy snow sometimes falls with larger amounts over the ridges. Glaze storms are not numerous since La Crosse is north of the main path of freezing rain. Farming is diversified with dairying the leading activity. The more important field crops are corn, oats, and hay. Some of the more specialized crops are soybeans, tobacco, small fruits, and cranberries. Commercial apple orchards are numerous across the Mississippi River in Minnesota. Based on the 1951-1980 period, the average first occurrence of 32 degrees Fahrenheit in the fall is October 13 and the average last occurrence in the spring is April 29. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Image] Data Inventories Please note that additional data (digital and non-digital) are available for this station. Contact NCDC if additional details are needed. Click on INV to view data inventories, DOC for documentation about the dataset. Surface INV DOC 3200 -Cooperative Summary Of The Day INV DOC 3210 -Summary Of The Day - First Order INV DOC 3220 -Summary Of The Month (SOM) Cooperative INV DOC 3240 -Hourly Precipitation Data INV DOC 3280 -Surface Airways Hourly And Airways Solar Radiation INV DOC 3290 -Summary Observation INV DOC 9950 -Datsav2 Surface, Global Surface Hourly Data (see Global Surface Station Information). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Image] Online Data Daily Data, Summary of the Day Observations (NWS Cooperative Stations) Hourly/Daily Data, Local Climatological Data Hourly Data, Form 10A/10B Graph Weather Elements The graphs generated here are from the National Weather Service Summary of the Day dataset. For additional data and visualization, use CLIMVIS. Select the desired values for Element 1, Element 2 and Month. Enter the desired Year and Submit Graph Values to view graph. Element 1 Element 2 Year/Month ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Image] Station History La Crosse Municipal Airport Date Date Elevation COOP Call WMO Began Ended Lat/Lon meters/feet ID WBAN Sign ID Type LA CROSSE MUNICIPAL ARPT 27 Feb Present 43°52'N / 198.4m / 474370 14920 LSE 72643 LAWRS 1996 91°15'W 650.8' 01 Jan 27 Feb 43°52'N / 198.4m / 474370 14920 LSE 72643 LAWRS 1995 1996 91°15'W 650.8' 20 Apr 01 Jan 43°52'N / 198.4m / 474370 14920 LSE 72643 LAWRS 1994 1995 91°15'W 650.8' 03 Mar 20 Apr 43°52'N / 198.4m / 474370 14920 LSE 72643 FSS 1994 1994 91°15'W 650.8' 02 Feb 03 Mar 43°52'N / 206.7m / 474370 14920 LSE 72643 FSS 1990 1994 91°15'W 678.0' 01 Jan 02 Feb 43°52'N / 200.6m / 474370 14920 LSE 72643 FSS 1969 1990 91°15'W 658.0' 01 Jan 31 Dec 43°52'N / 200.6m / 474370 14920 LSE 72643 WBAS 1952 1968 91°15'W 658.0' 01 Jan 31 Dec 43°52'N / 199.9m / 474370 14920 . . WBAS 1951 1951 91°15'W 655.7' 14 Dec 31 Dec 43°56'N / 203.9m / 474370 14920 . . WBAS 1950 1950 91°17'W 668.8' LA CROSSE MUNI AP 01 Jan 14 Dec 43°56'N / 203.9m / 474370 14920 . . WBAS 1948 1950 91°17'W 668.8' 01 Jan 01 Jan 43°56'N / 203.9m / . 14920 . . WBAS 1940 1948 91°17'W 668.8' 01 Jan 31 Dec 43°56'N / 203.9m / . 14920 . . CAA 1939 1939 91°17'W 668.8' 01 Jun 31 Dec 43°46'N / 204.8m / . 14920 . . CAA 1933 1938 91°10'W 671.7' [Image] Top of Page ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [NOAA] NCDC / Climate-Radar Data Inventories / Locate Station / Search This page dynamically generated 26 Oct 1999 from: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/ol/climate/stationlocator.html Please send questions or comments about this system to webcliserv@ncdc.noaa.gov Please see the NCDC Contact Page if you have questions or comments.