ATM OCN (Meteorology) 100
Fall 1999
You will need to take two in-class written examinations during the course
and a 2 hour final examination during the Final Exam Schedule.
These "closed book" exams represent a total of 85% of your course grade
(with the balance from your homework assignments).
You will be given the full 50 minutes of class time for the "hour exams"
and the full 120 minutes for the final. From previous experience, essential
all people will be able to complete the exams within the time frame. If
you have any special needs, please make prior arrangements. Take your time,
but do not daydream. Budget your time. Please read the questions carefully.
They are not intentionally meant to trick.
The exams contain some matching and some multiple choice questions. No
essay questions are used nor are true-false questions used. No numerical
problems are intentional used, since these problems involving computations
are given in the homework exercises. (But you may bring a calculator if
one is your "security blanket".)
Most of the material will be taken from the lectures. These exams will
primarily cover the material covered in lecture up to the day prior to
the exam. Material not discussed in class will not be covered on the exam.
No intentional effort is made to find some obscure passages from the text
book. The intent of the exams is to focus upon the main concepts. Unless
indicated in lecture, memorization of numbers is not the critical point,
since many of these numbers change over time. However, you should have
a feeling for magnitudes - bigger, smaller, and so forth.
In preparation for the exams, you should consult the posted study guides
(see links below) before each exam to see what points should be reviewed.
Focus upon the concepts and points given in class and in the Lecture
outlines on the Web. Each lecture outline has a set of objectives.
A study sheet (see below) is also provided. Spend some time reviewing these.
Last revision: 24 November 1999 (1600 CST)
Produced by Edward J. Hopkins, Ph.D.
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI 53706
URL: aos100/exams/f99exm00.htm