MEDFORD WSO AP, OREGON Station Metadata From NCDC Station Historical Listing for NWS Cooperative Network ObsTyp: t-Temperature-1, p-Daily precip-2, w-(blank), s-(blank), e-Evap-5 h-Hourly precip - 6 0.01" Universal, or - 7 0.10" Fisher-Porter U - Observed, but beginning date is uncertain Count Number Station Name Lat Long Elev Start ObsTyp End (Coop) (From NCDC listing) ddmm dddmm ftx10 yy mm t p w s e h yy mm 801 355429-3 MEDFORD WB AP 4222 12252 0133 48 07 U U U 52 12 802 355429-3 MEDFORD WB AP 4222 12252 0130 53 01 U U U 71 06 803355429-3 MEDFORD WSO AP 4222 12252 0130 71 06 U U U 84 09 804355429-3 MEDFORD WSO AP 4223 12253 0130 84 09 1 2 U 99 99 Statistics by element (From WRCC data archives) Last Compiled on December 31, 1998 Dates are format of YYYYMMDD. Numbers are total Number of observations STATION START END PRECP SNWFL SNWDP TMAX TMIN TOBS EVAP WNDMV 355429 19280101 19980930 25803 25555 25553 25824 25824 0 0 0 STATION - NCDC COOP Station number START - First Date in record END - Last Date in record (when last compiled) PRECP - Precipitation SNWFL - Snowfall SNWDP - Snow depth TMAX - Daily Max. Temperature TMIN - Daily Min. Temperature TOBS - Temperature at Observation time EVAP - Evaporation WNDMV - Wind Movement Statistics by observation (From WRCC data archives) Last compiled on December 31, 1998 Dates are format of YYYYMMDD. Numbers represent one day and one day is considered present if any element is reported. STATION NAME START END POSBL PRSNT LNGPR MISSG LNGMS 355429 MEDFORD WSO AP 19280101 19980930 25841 25828 15043 13 5 STATION - NCDC COOP Station number NAME - Most recent name in NCDC history file START - First Date in record END - Last Date in record (when last compiled) POSBL - Possible number of observations between START and END date PRSNT - Number of days present in record LNGPR - Largest number of consecutive observations MISSG - Total number of missing days (no observation) LNGMS - Largest number of consecutive missing observations