[NOAA] NCDC / Climate-Radar Data Inventories / Locate Station / Search ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ontario 1 SSE * Data Inventories WI, United States * Station History List Stations in Division WI-07 * State Climatologist List Stations in Vernon County * Regional Climate Center Surrounding Stations (+/- 30' Lat/Lon) --------------------------- Call Sign/ICS* : Information at Other Sites WBAN* : * National Weather Service - Central Region COOP ID* : 476280 Headquarters Climate Division* : WI-07 - Southwest - Regional Forecast Office WMO ID* : - Local Weather Conditions In Service* : 01 Jul 1961 to Present - Local Weather Forecast * Current Radar Elevation*: 268.2m (879.7') above s/l * Current Satellite Lat/Lon* : 43¢X43'N / 90¢X35'W * Sunrise/Sunset County*: Vernon * Disclaimer * List of NCDC Datasets * Please report any Data Errors found. * Note to webmasters: you can link directly to this page. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Image] Data Inventories Please note that additional data (digital and non-digital) may be available for this station. Contact NCDC if additional details are needed. Click on the following where available: o DAT to obtain digital ascii data (charges may apply), Please do not order these data if you do not know what a Digital ASCII File is. o INV to view inventory, or o DOC to view documentation Surface DAT INV DOC 3200 -Cooperative Summary Of The Day DAT INV DOC SOD -Daily Surface Data (TD3200/3210 combined) DAT INV DOC 3220 -Summary Of The Month (SOM) Cooperative ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Image] DATA Additional data products may be available for this station. Contact NCDC if you are unable to locate what you are looking for. Forms, Publications, and Web Pages Graphs and Other Images CD-ROMs Digital ASCII Files ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Image] Forms, Publications, and Web Pages Most of these products are publications that have been converted to on-line access. As such, these documents have column headings and are displayed in an easy-to-read format. For additional information and product samples, click on the [Image] icon next to the desired product. [Image] Daily/Monthly/Annual Wisconsin Climatological Data [Image] Coop Data/Record of Climatological Observations [Image] Storm Data Publication [Image] Miscellaneous Storm Events in Vernon County ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Image] Graphs and Other Images Includes contour maps, time series, NEXRAD radar mosaics, and satellite images. For additional information and product samples, click on the [Image] icon next to the desired product. [Image] National Mosaic Reflectivity Images [Image] Miscellaneous Satellite Images ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Image] CD-ROMs The following are some of the more popular CD-ROMs that contain data for this station. Others are available that may contain summarized data for this station. A complete list of CD-ROMs is available in the OnLine Store. For additional information, click on the [Image] icon next to the desired product. [Image] NCDC Cooperative Station Data ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Image] Digital ASCII Files These files may or may not contain column headers. In order to use these files, you will need to import them into a spreadsheet or database package for presentation. Please do not order these data if you do not know what a Digital ASCII File is. A sample Digital ASCII File is available for viewing but content varies a great deal depending on your request. Other digital files are available Offline that may contain data for this station. For additional information and product samples, click on the [Image] icon next to the desired product. [Image] SOD -Daily Surface Data (TD3200/3210 combined) [Image] 3220 -Summary Of The Month (SOM) Cooperative ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Image] Station History Ontario 1 SSE Date Elevation COOP Call WMO Began Date Ended Lat/Lon meters/feet ID WBAN Sign ID Type ONTARIO 1 SSE 18 Sep Present 43¢X43'N / 268.2m / 879.7' 476280 . . . . 1990 90¢X35'W 01 Jul 18 Sep 43¢X43'N / 268.2m / 879.7' 476280 . . . . 1961 1990 90¢X35'W [Image] Top of Page ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [NOAA] NCDC / Climate-Radar Data Inventories / Locate Station / Search This page dynamically generated 25 Jul 2000 from: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/ol/climate/stationlocator.html Please send questions or comments about this system to webcliserv@ncdc.noaa.gov Please see the NCDC Contact Page if you have questions or comments.