[NOAA] NCDC / Climate-Radar Data Inventories / Locate Station / Search ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Green Bay Austin Straubel Int * About this Station NEXRAD: Green Bay * NEXRAD Information Green Bay, WI, United States * Data Inventories Other Stations in Green Bay * Online Data List Stations in Division WI-06 * Station History List Stations in Brown County * State Climatologist Surrounding Stations (+/- 30' Lat/Lon) * Regional Climate Center Type* : ASOS-NWS WSO NEXRAD ----------------------------- Call Information at Other Sites Sign/ICS* : GRB / KGRB * Their Home Page * National Weather Service WBAN* : 14898 - Central Region Headquarters COOP ID* : 473269 - Regional Forecast Office Climate Division* : WI-06 - East Central - Current Weather Conditions WMO ID* : 72645 - Current Weather Forecast * Current Radar In Service* : 01 Oct 1948 to Present * Current Satellite Elevation*: 209.4m (686.8') * Sunrise/Sunset above sea level Lat/Lon* : 44°29'N / 88°08'W County*: Brown * Disclaimer * List of NCDC Datasets * Please report any Data Errors found. * Note to webmasters: you can link directly to this page. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Image] Other Stations in Green Bay Green Bay Green Bay 2 Green Bay Storm Warning Green Bay Yacht Club ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Image] About this Station The Green Bay climate is modified by surrounding topography. The modification is caused by the Bay of Green Bay, Lakes Michigan, and Superior, and to a lesser extent, the slightly higher surrounding terrain terminating in the Fox River Valley. The city of Green Bay is located at the mouth of the Fox River, one of the largest rivers flowing northward in the United States. It empties into the south end of the Bay. The modified continental climate of Green Bay is shown by the few occurrences of 90 degree temperatures in the summer season and the few occurrences of sub-zero temperatures in the winter season. The narrow temperature range stems from the lake effects and the limited hours of sunshine caused by cloudiness. Precipitation normally falls in the five-month period May through September. Three-fifths of the annual total is in the growing season, most often falling during thunderstorms. During the winter months, snowfall is less than in nearby communities where the ground is slightly higher. The comparatively low range in temperature along with the greater portion of the precipitation falling during the growing season is conducive to the development of the dairy industry. Cherry and apple orchards are important crops in nearby lake communities. The growing of potatoes and canning vegetables are predominant inland. Paper products are the major manufacturing industry. High winds, excessive precipitation, and electrical storms cause occasional damage. Snowstorms are the principal winter hazard. While the winters are long in Green Bay, the extremes are never as severe as the northern latitude location would indicate. Based on the 1951-1980 period, the average first occurrence of 32 degrees Fahrenheit in the fall is October 2 and the average last occurrence in the spring is May 12. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Image] NEXRAD Information [Image] NEXRAD Station Name: Green Bay Affiliation: National Weather Service Internationl Call Sign: KGRB WBAN #: 14898 Date Commissioned: 26 Jul 1995 Elevation: 207.9m (682') Antenna Height: 30m (98') Lat/Lon: 44°29'54"N / 088°06'41"W Level 2 Dataset: TD6640 (documentation available as TD6000) Level 3 Dataset: TD7255 (documentation available as TD7000) Aliases: Ashwaubenon ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Image] Data Inventories Please note that additional data (digital and non-digital) are available for this station. Contact NCDC if additional details are needed. Click on INV to view data inventories, DOC for documentation about the dataset. Surface INV DOC 3200 -Cooperative Summary Of The Day INV DOC 3210 -Summary Of The Day - First Order INV DOC 3220 -Summary Of The Month (SOM) Cooperative INV DOC 3240 -Hourly Precipitation Data INV DOC 3260 -15 Minute Precipitation Data INV DOC 3280 -Surface Airways Hourly And Airways Solar Radiation INV DOC 3290 -Summary Observation INV DOC 3292 -Weather Duration INV DOC 9950 -Datsav2 Surface, Global Surface Hourly Data (see Global Surface Station Information). Upper Air INV DOC 6301 - INV DOC 6302 - Radar INV DOC 3NR2 - INV DOC 3NR3 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Image] Online Data Daily Data, Summary of the Day Observations (NWS Cooperative Stations) Hourly/Daily Data, Local Climatological Data Hourly Data, Form 10A/10B Graph Weather Elements The graphs generated here are from the National Weather Service Summary of the Day dataset. For additional data and visualization, use CLIMVIS. Select the desired values for Element 1, Element 2 and Month. Enter the desired Year and Submit Graph Values to view graph. Element 1 Element 2 Year/Month ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Image] Station History Green Bay Austin Straubel Int Please note that location information shown in the following records is for the Surface Observation Station, not the NEXRAD Radar Station. The Radar Station is located at the same site but may be some distance away at a different elevation (see NEXRAD Information above). Date Date Elevation COOP Call WMO Began Ended Lat/Lon meters/feet ID WBAN Sign ID Type GREEN BAY AUSTIN STRAUBEL INT 01 Jul Present 44°29'N / 209.4m / 473269 14898 GRB 72645 ASOS-NWS 1996 88°08'W 686.8' WSO NEXRAD GREEN BAY AUSTIN STRAUBEL FIE 26 Jul 01 Jul 44°30'N / 214.0m / 473269 14898 GRB 72645 WSO NEXRAD 1995 1996 88°07'W 701.9' 01 Jan 26 Jul 44°30'N / 214.0m / 473269 14898 GRB 72645 WSO 1995 1995 88°07'W 701.9' 17 Apr 01 Jan 44°30'N / 214.0m / 473269 14898 GRB 72645 WSO 1994 1995 88°07'W 701.9' 05 Apr 17 Apr 44°30'N / 214.0m / 473269 14898 GRB 72645 WSO 1994 1994 88°07'W 701.9' 15 Nov 05 Apr 44°29'N / 214.0m / 473269 14898 GRB 72645 WSO 1989 1994 88°08'W 701.9' 01 Jan 15 Nov 44°29'N / 207.9m / 473269 14898 GRB 72645 WSO 1973 1989 88°08'W 681.9' 01 Jan 01 Jan 44°29'N / 207.9m / 473269 14898 GRB 72645 WBAS 1965 1973 88°08'W 681.9' 31 Aug 01 Jan 44°29'N / 213.1m / 473269 14898 . . WBAS 1949 1965 88°08'W 699.0' 15 Aug 31 Aug 44°29'N / 213.1m / 473269 14898 . . WBAS 1949 1949 88°08'W 699.0' GREEN BAY STRAUBEL 01 Aug 15 Aug 44°29'N / 213.1m / 473269 14898 . . WBAS 1949 1949 88°08'W 699.0' 01 Jan 01 Aug 44°29'N / 213.1m / . 14898 . . WBAS 1949 1949 88°08'W 699.0' 01 Oct 01 Jan 44°29'N / 213.1m / . 14898 . . SAWRS 1948 1949 88°08'W 699.0' [Image] Top of Page ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [NOAA] NCDC / Climate-Radar Data Inventories / Locate Station / Search This page dynamically generated 26 Oct 1999 from: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/ol/climate/stationlocator.html Please send questions or comments about this system to webcliserv@ncdc.noaa.gov Please see the NCDC Contact Page if you have questions or comments.