Weather for Pilots


The midcyclone lifecycle


A Mid-atitude cyclone, also known as an Extratropical Cyclone (meaning not occurring in the tropics) is 'a cyclonic storm that often develops along a front in the mid and high latitudes' (Ahrens). Another way to think of them is as a well developed low pressure system.

Things you should understand about Mid-Latitude Cyclones:

Isobar structure
Isotherm structure
Wind patterns
Precipitation patterns
Satellite view
Life Cycle
Regions of typical development

It is very important to see these storms as having a life cycle --They are not fixed in time and space; They rotate as they trek eastward (in our latitudes), almost as if you were holding a pinwheel and walking along with it. (This is quite apparent on satellite loops ) They usually go through stages where they develop, mature or strengthen and die out, although it is important to note that not all areas of low pressure become fully developed Extratropical cyclones.

These figures should help you remember how their movement affects the areas they pass over.



There are other introductory books that cover these topics, such as Meteorology: Understanding the Atmosphere by Ackerman and Knox, published by Brooks/Cole.