Record |
Amount [in.] |
Location |
Date |
Greatest daily total |
11.72 |
Mellen |
Ashland |
24 June 1946 |
Greatest monthly total |
21.74 |
Viroqua |
Vernon |
August 2007 |
Greatest calendar year |
62.07 |
Embarrass |
Waupaca |
1884 |
Least calendar year |
11.21 |
Osceola |
Polk |
1910 |
Greatest annual average |
37.05 |
Lake Geneva |
Walworth |
(1971–2000) |
Least annual average |
28.54 |
Washington Island |
Door |
(1971–2000) |
Record |
Amount [in.] |
Location |
Date |
Greatest 24-hr or daily total |
26.0 |
Neillsville |
Clark |
27 Dec 1904 |
Greatest single storm |
31.0 |
Superior |
Douglas |
31 Oct–2 Nov 1991 |
Greatest monthly total |
103.5 |
Hurley |
Iron |
January 1997 |
Greatest seasonal total |
295.4 |
Hurley |
Iron |
1996–1997 |
Greatest annual average |
139.8 |
Gurney |
Iron |
(1971–2000) |
Deepest snow on the ground |
83 |
Flambeau Reservoir |
Iron |
3 Apr 1933 |
24-hr Maximum Precipitation Extremes for each station in state (since 1893)
precipitation totals by month (greatest) (smallest)
See also Statewide Records for other States from U.S. State Climate Extremes Committee/ National Climatic Data Center
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Latest revision: 27 July 2017
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