From the files of the Aviation Weather Center, Kansas City, MO
and Intellicast
- ...1816...The growing season for corn was cut short as damaging frosts were reported from North Carolina to interior New England in the "Year-without-a-Summer". (David Ludlum)
- ...1821...Tornado rips through Tybee Island, GA destroying a wing of the U.S. Army barracks. (Intellicast)
- ...1923...The temperature at Anchorage, AK reached 82 degrees, a record for August for the location which was later tied on the 2nd in 1978. (The Weather Channel)
- ...1987...A cold front lowered temperatures 20 to 40 degrees across the north central U.S., and produced severe thunderstorms in Ohio and Lower Michigan. An early morning thunderstorm near Sydney, MI produced high winds that spun a car around 180 degrees. (The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1988...Afternoon highs of 88 degrees at Astoria, OR and 104 degrees at Medford, OR were records for the date, and the number of daily record highs across the nation since the first of June topped the 2000 mark. (The National Weather Summary)
- ...1989...Evening thunderstorms in the central U.S. produced golf ball size hail at May City, IA, and wind gusts to 66 mph at Balltown, IA. Lightning struck a barn in Fayette County, IA killing 750 hogs. Evening thunderstorms in Montana produced wind gusts to 70 mph at Havre. (The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1990...Thunderstorms dropped heavy rains in Virginia with Nassawadox recording 12 inches in just 2 hours. Numerous road washouts occurred including several on U.S. 13, a major route to the Tidewater area. (Intellicast)
- ...1994...Hurricane John while about 390 miles south of Hilo, HI was found to have winds at 170 mph and pressure down to 920 mb, making it the strongest hurricane ever in the Central Pacific. It was the third category 5 hurricane (on the Saffir-Simpson Scale) in this area in a month, unprecedented since records began. (Intellicast)
- ...1998...The remnants of Hurricane Charley dumped 17.09 inches of rain on Del Rio, TX. More rain fell in one day than normally falls there in a year. (National Weather Service files)
- ...1999...The citizens of Corpus Christi were very shaken when Hurricane Bret, a Category 4 hurricane (on the Saffir-Simpson Scale) with top winds of 140 mph, swirled around the Gulf of Mexico picking up steam as it headed toward the Texas coast. As Bret approached the coast, forecasters feared the hurricane would strike the city, but the storm turned west and came ashore in sparsely populated Kenedy County the early evening of the 22nd.
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Prepared by Edward J. Hopkins, Ph.D., email hopkins@aos.wisc.edu
© Copyright, 2018, The American Meteorological Society.