From the files of the Aviation Weather Center, Kansas
City, MO and Intellicast
- ...1905...The mercury soared to 127 degrees at Parker, AZ to tie the state record established at Fort Mohave on 15 June 1896. (The Weather Channel)
- ...1915...A severe wind and thunderstorm caused heavy damage and 38 deaths in and near Cincinnati, OH. Many older buildings were demolished. The steamship "Dick Fulton" was overturned. (The Weather Channel)
- ...1981...Montana was in the midst of a snowstorm that dumped ten inches at Glacier National Park, and produced winds to 90 mph. Meanwhile, Denver, CO set a record high with a reading of 101 degrees. (The Weather Channel)
- ...1987...Thunderstorms spawned eight tornadoes in Colorado, and three in West Texas. Thunderstorms also produced softball size hail at Bula, TX. In the midst of a record thirty-nine day string of 100-degree days, the temperature at Tucson, AZ dipped to 66 degrees, marking their third straight record low for the date. (The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
Temperatures fluctuated at Greensburg, KS from 75 degrees at 7 AM to 95 degrees in a few minutes then drop back to 86 degrees by 8 AM. Dust devils and strange clouds accompanied these temperature fluctuations. (Intellicast)
- ...1988...Thirty-eight cities in the north central and northeastern U.S. reported record high temperatures for the date. Youngstown, OH hit 100 degrees, and for the second day in a row, Flint, MI reached 101 degrees, equaling all-time records for those two cities. (The National Weather Summary)
- ...1989...Thunderstorms produced severe weather during the day, with more than 100 reports of large hail and damaging winds from Ohio to Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Thunderstorm winds reached 90 mph in Sullivan County, NH, and golf ball size hail was reported in Pennsylvania. Twenty-four cities, mostly in the southwestern U.S., reported record high temperatures for the date. Afternoon highs of 105 degrees at Cedar City, UT and 114 degrees at Moab, UT were all-time records for those locations. (Storm Data) (The National Weather Summary)
- ...1991...During the early daylight hours of Sunday, 7 July 1991, a bow echo developed over southeast South Dakota and began racing east, producing very damaging winds. This was the start of a long-lived derecho that lasted 17 hours and affected areas from the Great Plains into western New York and Pennsylvania. Wind gusts in some places reached 80 to 100 mph. The strongest gust, 103 mph, was measured at Sioux Center, IA around mid-morning, and the roof of a school was blown off in nearby Orange City. (National Weather Service files)
- ...1994...The remnants of Tropical Storm Alberto finally departed, having drowned parts of Alabama, Georgia and Florida under several feet of water. Enterprise, AL recorded an incredible 21.58 inches of rain from 1-7 July. At its peak, flood waters covered a total of 900,000 acres. (National Weather Service files)
- ...2004...A tornado occurred in the Rockwell Pass area of Sequoia National Park, California. Since the elevation of the tornado's ground circulation was approximately 3705 m (12,156 ft) MSL, this is the highest-elevation tornado documented in the United States.
(National Weather Service files)
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Prepared by Edward J. Hopkins, Ph.D., email hopkins@aos.wisc.edu
© Copyright, 2016, The American Meteorological Society.