Several homework assignments are made to help you prepare for the examinations; these homework assignments represent 15% of your course grade. You may improve your course grade by submitting all homework assignments.
These homework assignments are due at the end of the lecture on the day indicated as "Date Due". Unless you make arrangements before that due time, 10 points will be deducted for each class day that the assignment is late. If you are having trouble with the homework, or other aspects of the course, please ask for help before the assignment is due.
You will need to obtain a copy of the homework as an Adobe Portable
Format (PDF) file from below, using the Adobe Acrobat Reader(C),
which is freely available
from the Adobe site. For best results, download the most recent
of Adobe
Reader at
Some of the assignments will contain an "online portion", which means that you will have to go to this page and follow the instructions as how to answer this part of the assignment.
An on-line answer key will be posted here after the due date.
PDF copy of homework |
1 |
24 Jun 2004 |
2 |
30 Jun 2004 |
3 |
15 July 2004 |
4 |
22 July 2004 |
5 |
4 Aug 2004 |
Latest revision: 5 August 2004 (0340 UTC)
URL: aos100/homework/s04hmk00.html